15. – 16.3.2025
Helsinki Tricking Gathering is a tricking event full of tricking, new tricks, fun, competition and new & old friends!
The event is organized by long-time knitting event organizer Kai Käräjäoja. LegendTrick Gym organizes a joint trip to the event with Vellu Saarela, the instructor, the founder of our gym, and multiple European champion of trickery, from Tampere to Helsinki and back.
In addition, Johannes Anttila, our Helsinki course instructor, will be participating in the event in Helsinki. If the group size is larger than in previous years, we will also book one additional instructor from Tampere to accompany us.
In the event of a possible illness, the entire price of the event will be refunded, except for the amount of the train tickets, if the train ticket has already been reserved for your child.
€149 – Includes travel, supervision and care for Tre – Hki – Tre, training at Skillz Gym and Duudsonit Activity Park, and overnight stay at Duudsonit Park.
€126 – For annual card holders, includes the above.
89€ – For Helsinki students, includes the above without travel to Tampere and back.
☛ Burger meal at Rolls on Saturday night
☛ 5-hour entrance ticket to Helsinki Tricking Gathering from 12:00 to 17:00 / Skillz Gym
☛ 1h Knitting workshop
☛ Participating in or watching trick battles
☛ Entrance ticket and overnight stay at Duudsonit Activity Park from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM (Sunday, March 16)
☛Train, metro and bus tickets from Tampere railway station to training halls in Helsinki and back
☛ Chilling, knitting and having fun with the Finnish knitting community
☛ 9:45 – Meeting in the lobby of Tampere railway station
☛ 10:00 – 11:35 Train journey from Tampere to Helsinki
Moving to Skillz Gym by public transport
☛ 12:00 event starts on the ground floor of Skillz Gym – warm-ups and workshop
☛ 13:00 – 14:00 – Free training and preparation for battles
☛ 14:00 – 15:00 trick battles for those interested
☛ Free training, floor available until 4:00 PM and acro area until 5:00 PM
☛ 17:00 – 18:30 Transfer from Skillz Gym to Espoo
☛ 18:30 – 19:00 – burger meal at Rolls Workout, fun and dinner at Duudsonit Activity Park
☛ Starting at 19:00, free tricks and games at DAP, which is reserved just for us
☛ 22:00 – 23:00 – evening snack available
☛ 23:00 – 00:00 Preparing sleeping places and evening activities
SUNDAY 16.3.
☛ 00:00 – 9:30 Good night!
☛ 9:30 – 10:30 – Wake up, clean up sleeping areas and park
☛ 10:30 – 11:00 Breakfast
☛ 11:00 – 12:00 Joint final cleaning
Transfer to the train station
☛ 13:02 – 14:53 Train journey Helsinki – Tampere
☛ 14:53 / Sun 16.3. Arrival at Tampere railway station
☛ Flexible clothing suitable for trick riding, change of clothes
☛ Sleeping bag or sheets + pillow
☛ Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, personal medicines, etc.)
☛ Cell phone + charger
☛ Pocket money for meals
☛ If you want your own snacks
☛ Report to the instructor upon arrival.
☛ Please respect other participants. No bullying, discrimination or anything that makes others feel bad. Instructors have the right to intervene in disruptive behavior. We will contact the parents if the harassment continues despite the prompts.
☛ Under no circumstances should you eat or drink with Permanno!
☛ You can bring your own snacks.
☛ If you leave before the end of the event, please contact the staff. Duudsonit Park's exterior doors are locked at night and are not allowed to be opened. Going outside is strictly prohibited.
☛ You are not allowed to sleep in Voltimonta
☛ After the silence begins, jumping and making noise in the corridors is prohibited. Movement is only allowed in the bathroom.
☛ I participate in the event at my own / my guardians' responsibility. The event organizer does not insure event participants.
Vellu Saarela, the instructor responsible for the TRE – HKI – TRE trip, phone: 050 330 1542
EMAIL: gym(at)
OFFICE TEL: +35844 972 5238
Kai Käräjäoja: 040 565 1458