Born: 25 June 1992
Started knitting: summer 2007
Acrowork instructor since 2015,

IG: @kalevanville

I am a general exerciser with a versatile sports background, who has a constant desire to find and learn new ways to move and express myself. At the moment, in addition to trick-or-treating, I enjoy climbing, dancing, bodyweight and mobility training, and swimming. As a knitter, I appreciate the cleanliness and good flow of movements.



My youth included, among other things, competitive dancing and athletics, until I was exposed to parkour and tricks via the Internet as a teenager. Inspired by the videos, we started practicing tricks on the tatami at the end of the judo races. This was always the best part of training!

Since then, many different sports have been tried, but knitting has always gone along to some extent. From 2014, I started practicing knitting more actively and also teaching it. Over the years, I have accumulated guidance experience with different age groups and skill levels through various courses, events and individual guidance.


As an instructor, it is important for me to create a safe training environment where every trainee is taken into account. Training should be fun, but without forgetting to challenge yourself. Trying new moves is just as important to me as success. When learning something new, you must first be prepared to fail several times - no one is born a blacksmith. As an instructor, I try to find a balance between challenge and fun, because then the hobby remains as meaningful as possible and supports overall well-being.


Develop yourself holistically

By combining our online courses, you will break your limits in any sport by developing strength, speed, flexibility and balance.


10+ Years of Experience

Our instructors, awarded in international competitions and trained in sports, have taught in more than 20 countries around the world.


Learn from the Pros

LegendTrick Online's instructors are internationally known top players in their field.

From the Customers' Mouths

"The best training place ever!
The teachers are really nice, nice and professional. Really good value for money. And the gym also has versatile equipment and good facilities.
It's nice when you can take those classes when you want, and you can try other classes even if you haven't been before. (And you can still join in really well.) And there are a variety of different classes.
Definitely the best place I've been to train. I recommend! If you're even a little bit interested, it's definitely worth at least giving it a try!"

Siiri Jäkkö

Aerial acrobat

"LegendTrick Gym is the only place of its kind in Finland. Tricking is a sport about which unfortunately little is still known and it is often confused with many other sports. It's very cool that we have a gym in Tampere that mainly focuses on tricks.
The instructors are professionals and responsible. Developing in the sport is easy here and you get the best possible teaching!
However, in addition to tricks, the gym also offers different courses related to acrobatics, such as handstand lessons, which enable you to always get more out of your own body.
The feeling in the gym is always good and positive, even if you're just there to watch!"

Matti Aho

Chairman of Trikkaus ry


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