SATURDAY 19.8.2023 – 10:00-13:30
LegendTrick Gym is participating in representing trickery in the Family Activity Day! This fast-paced event will take place on Saturday 19 August 2023 from 10:00 to 13:30 in Kaup. If you want to experience the magic of trickery and wonderful physical expression, this day is the perfect opportunity for you.
There is a full day's worth of exercise in the knowledge! The event is free of charge.
At the event, children, young people and families get to try out the sports, exercises, games and competitions presented by clubs and other players in the sports industry, and get to know new hobby opportunities.
The event also serves as an introduction event for the hobbies of children participating in the Valtti program. With the help of the Valtti program coordinated by the Finnish Paralympic Committee, the aim is to find sports for children and young people who need special support.
Go with the whole family to visit the activity points and get new experiences and get to know the activities of the clubs. Autumn is the time to find new hobbies.